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Your Patent

Wish to have an exclusive right over an invention? Apply for patent before someone else does. Prices starting at INR 29,899/- only.

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What is Patent Application?

All you need to know

A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem. To get Patent Registration, technical information about the invention must be disclosed to the public in a patent application; both natural persons and corporate entities may apply for a patent.

The grant and enforcement of patents are governed by national laws, and also by international treaties. The exclusive right granted to a patentee in most countries is the right to prevent others, or at least to try to prevent others, from commercially making, using, selling, importing, or distributing a patented invention without permission.

We, at ThinkBiz Filings, will help your invention getting legally patented with end-to-end support from our experts.

Importance of patents:

• Important source of scientific and technical literature
• A treasure-house of scientific inventions
• Avoids duplication
• Paves way for further discoveries
• Stop re-inventing the wheel
• Identifies emerging technologies, emerging areas.

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