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Book-keeping and Accounting Services in India

All you need to know

From start-ups to established enterprises, businesses rely on accurate and insightful financial information in order to maintain profitability and capitalize on new opportunities. Our accounting services steer you closer to these goals with accurate record-keeping and reporting as well as support on financial issues such as initial accounting system setup, cost-containment, tax planning, investments and profit-sharing plans

These services include but are not limited to:

  • Book keeping & General accounting (Monthly, quarterly, or annual).
  • Accounting system Study, setup and support.
  • Supervising the implementation of accounting system.
  • Preparation of accounting and other process manuals.
  • General ledger and financial statement preparation.
  • Payroll processing.
  • Cash flow budgeting and forecasting.
  • Personal financial statements.
  • Compliance with IGAAP / IFRS / ICDS.
  • Profit-sharing plans.

Why we for Accounting and Finance?

  • Book keeping at lower cost than in house book keeping.
  • Financials comparison to facilitate business owners to discover ways to cut back on company spending and improve profitability.
  • Budget Monitoring, maintenance of accuracy and timeliness in book keeping which helps management to cross-check with the budget to make sure that the company is not overspending.
  • Our book keeping should ease the compliance with respective statutory compliances (including direct and indirect taxes).
  • Our professional advices will definitely be a value addition to your organisation in smooth functioning by statutory compliance, minimum taxability thereby profitability.

What are Accounting and Book Keeping Services?

Accounting is the process where a track of income and expenses is kept. Accounting is done by an Accountant and he is a person who shall offer strategic financial advice as well as he shall be well aware about the company’s financial situation.

While Book-Keeping is the process where the records of financial transactions are kept. Also preparation of financial statements such as balance sheets and income statements are part of Book-Keeping. It is the responsibility of Book-Keeper to ensure that the employees are filing invoices and expenses correctly. Also, handling payroll comes under the purview of Book-Keeping services.

ThinkBiz Filing’s Book-Keeping and Accounting Services:

Team ThinkBiz Filings is conversant with QuickBooks, Zoho, Tally and host of Business software that are generally accepted by Indian Statutes. MIS reports are customized to Client needs; these can be provided on close of month or at specified period. This includes maintenance of books of accounts on regular basis and delivering more than 50 reports.


We act as Virtual Accountants so that you don’t need to hire a resource dedicated to accounting services. You can focus on your core operations while we take care of your accounting and compliance burden.

Book-keeping and Accounting Services, Book keeping, Accounting, Accounting services, Ebizfiling, Book-keeping and Accounting Services

Fulfil this along with a lot of other business and compliance needs with Premium Retainership Services.

ThinkBiz Filings is an eminent business platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation, compliance, advisory and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad. we also provide services like payroll, CMA report preparation etc. To get our Accounting services in India online you may get in touch with our compliance manager on 09704561215 or email info@Thinkbizfilings.com for for free consultation.

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