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Your Copyright

Copyright your literary, artistic work with ThinkBiz Filings. Prices starting at INR 11,999/- only

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Copyright Registration in India

All you need to know

Copyright Registration (Application) is a legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over their literary and artistic works that covers Literary works such as Novels, Poems, Plays, Reference Works, Newspaper articles, Computer programs, databases, Films, Musical compositions, and Choreography, Artistic works such as paintings, Drawings, Photographs, and Sculpture, Architecture, Advertisements, Maps, and Technical drawings.

It is a right conferred upon the author or creator of the work that no one can copy or reproduce or replicate their original work without their permission as per Intellectual Property Law. This means that without the authorization of the owner, no one can reproduce or replicate their original work.

However, an individual or an entity is allowed to charge for using their work or modifying the same. Copyright registration ensures that the rights of the creator are protected from any infringement. Copyrights are also transferable.

What work can be protected with the Copyright Registration?

  • Artistic works like painting, graphics and sculpture
  • Cinematography Film
  • Musical work and Sound Recording
  • Literary work like Books, Computer Programs, Websites etc.
  • Dramatic Works like Scripts, Films / Dramas

Why ThinkBiz Filings for your Copyright Registration in India?

ThinkBiz Filings is an eminent business platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation, compliance, advisory, and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad. Registering a Copyright in India is easy, seamless, cheapest and quickest with us. To apply for Copyright Registration online you may get in touch with our compliance manager on 09704561215 or email info@Thinkbizfiling.com for for free consultation.

Fees / Cost for Copyright Registration in India

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