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Your Trademark

Renew your Trademark for further 10 years and enjoy the benefits. Prices starting at INR 12,999/- only.


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    What is Trademark Renewal?

    All you need to know

    In registration of a trademark, you are permitted to use the R symbol with trademark and this registration is valid for a period of 10 years. During registration, in case of infringement of a trademark, a lawsuit can be filed to prevent misuse of the mark.

    When the Trademark should be renewed?

    Trademark renewal has to be filed before expiry of the mark. The trademark renewal application form must be prepared and filed before a deadline to enjoy the seamless protection of the trademark without any chances of litigation. Once renewed, it has lifetime validity.

    It is important for you to ensure that you apply for renewal of trademarks beforehand i.e. before the expiry of 10 years. There’s a practice of Trademark Ministry to send a notice to the registered office regarding the expiry. However, you would not wish to do so. If you have not filed before renewal due date, a registrar may advertise its intention to remove the trademark in a journal. In case you have not applied for renewal before expiry, you may do so later on by paying fine. This process is called restoration. However, it may be subject to litigation.

    ThinkBiz Filings is an eminent business platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation, compliance, advisory, and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad. Renewal of Trademark in India is easy, seamless, cheapest and quickest with ThinkBiz Filings ! Apart from a Trademark Registration, and Trademark Renewal services in India ThinkBiz Filings also helps you with Trademark Objection filing, Trademark Assignment, Trademark withdrawal, Trademark opposition and Trademark rectification services. Contact ThinkBiz Filings to know more on Trademark Renewal & also know Trademark renewal process & fees in India. Trademark Registration Process. Find application for trademark registration process and trademark renewal process. Renew your Trademark for further 10 years and enjoy the benefits. Click to know more about best trademark restoration service. You may get in touch with our compliance manager on 09704561215 or email info@Thinkbizfilings.com for for free consultation.

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